Modern immunology education: traditions and actual trends


Currently, fundamental and clinical immunology is undergoing rapid development, and this science is becoming one of the leading disciplines of modern biology and medicine, interdisciplinary, the base of life sciences. Thus the growing interest in immunology, and accordingly, spread of teaching thereof, observed in various countries. This review presents the main stages of development of teaching immunology in our country: creation of the 1st Department of Immunology at the II N.I. Pirogov Moscow Medical Institute by acad. R.V. Petrov, publication of the 1st textbook on immunology, establishment of the 1st departments of immunology and allergology in medical universities, creation of a new specialty - «physician allergologist-immunologist», the recent publication of the 4th edition of textbook «Immunology» by R.M. Khaitov. The principle of immunology education in 2 semesters within a single department was formulated and proved its practicability. Considering the fact that immunology is one of the most rapidly progressing sciences and disciplines taught in higher education, important for future doctors of all specialties, biologists of many specialties, etc., there is a need to make additions to the basic university medical and biological education. Particularly, there is a need for the introduction of the discipline «Allergology and immunology» into the new generation of the Federal State Educational Standard, supplemented with an obligatory exam, which will greatly increase student motivation. To increase the efficiency of the education process, it is advisable to conduct practical classes using interactive forms of studying based on the active interaction between teachers and students: role-playing and business games, collective problem solving, work in small groups (teams), problem-based learning, etc. Cross-disciplinary education is encouraged, specifically the use of knowledge derived from different fields, their grouping and application in the context of the discussed subject. The importance of information and communication technologies in the process of immunology education is increasing as well. The establishment of a unified educational environment ensures effective interaction between teacher and student. These approaches are most relevant in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic, when the significant part of education is on-line performed. This review also debates the issues regarding the difficulty of training highly qualified immunology teaching staff. Science is developing dynamically, soliciting the need to ensure the continuity and consistency of immunological education of students, medical residents and physicians of different specialties.

Keywords:immunology; high education; teaching at the university; form of education; continuity of immunological education; training of immunologists-teachers

For citation: Karaulov A.V., Gankovskaya L.V., Garib F.Yu. Modern immunology education: traditions and actual trends. Immunologiya. 2021; 42 (5): 461-5. DOI: (in Russian)

Funding. The study had no sponsor support.

Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interests.


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