Effect of glyproline neuropeptides on the level of interleukins and neurotrophic factors under stress


Introduction. At present, scientific works are giving special results, reflecting the study of the pathological impact of stress factors, including those of a social nature, on various systems of the body. Stress effect in biochemical terms is manifested by the release of glucocorticoids in the blood, referring this process to one of the main levers of influence on the immune system by changing the secretion of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines by immunocytes. Currently, close attention is paid to the assessment of the role of interleukins, neurotrophic factors and other cytokines in the implementation of the stress response, as well as the search for means of correcting these disorders.

The aim – to study the effect of glyproline compounds on the level of interleukins (IL-1β and IL-6) and neurotrophic (NGF and BDNF) factors in the blood serum of white rats on a model of social stress.

Material and methods. Experimental studies were carried out on 90 nonlinear white male rats of 6 months of age. The maintenance of laboratory animals met the requirements of international and domestic regulatory documentation on working with animals. In the process of modeling social stress, all rats were divided by type of behavior to aggressors and victims. Experimental groups (n = 10) were formed in the study: control animals; animals exposed to stress for 20 days; groups of rats treated intraperitoneally at a dose of 100 mcg/kg in day, starting from the 1st day of stress factor exposure, with a course of 20 days neuropeptide compounds Thr–Lys–Pro–Arg–Pro–Gly–Pro (Selank), Pro–Gly–Pro, Pro–Gly–Pro–Leu. The levels of interleukins and neurotrophic factors in the blood serum of white rats were evaluated by enzyme immunoassay.

Results. According to the results of the study, it was found that under conditions of social stress, there was an increase in the concentration of pro-inflammatory interleukins and a decrease in the concentration of BDNF and NGF. The introduction of neuropeptide compounds against the background of stress contributed to the restoration of the level of the studied indicators, which is most likely due to the presence of neuropeptides of neuroprotective action due to the induction of the synthesis of neurotrophic factors.

Conclusion. Thus, the introduction of glyproline compounds Thr–Lys–Pro–Arg–Pro–Gly–Pro, Pro–Gly–Pro and Pro–Gly–Pro–Leu under stress conditions contributes to the restoration of levels of interleukins and neurotrophic factors, as a result of which the stress- and neuroprotective effect of the studied compounds is observed.

Keywords:neuropeptides; social stress; neurogenic inflammation, interleukins, brain neurotrophic factor; nerve growth factor

For citation: Yasenyavskaya A.L., Tsibizova A.A., Andreeva L.A., Myasoedov N.F., Bashkina O.A., Samotrueva M.A. Effect of glyproline neuropeptides on the level of interleukins and neurotrophic factors under stress. Immunologiya. 2022; 43 (1): 166–73. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33029/0206-4952-2022-43-1-166-173 (in Russian)

Funding. The work was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR)grant No. 19-04-00461.

Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interests.

Authors' contribution. Data collection, text writing, analysis of the results, preparation of a draft manuscript – Yasenyavskaya A.L.; data collection, evaluation, substantiation and statistical processing of the obtained data, preparation of a draft manuscript – Tsibizova A.A.; research planning, manuscript editing, evaluation of the results – Andreeva L.A.; research planning, manuscript editing, evaluation of the results, final approval of the manuscript for publication – Myasoedov N.F.; research planning, manuscript editing, evaluation of the results; final approval of the manuscript for publication – Bashkina O.A.; development of the concept and design of the study, research planning, verification of critical intellectual content, final approval of the manuscript for publication – Samotrueva M.A.


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