Academician R.M. Khaitov and development of postdiplomal education in immunology and allergology


Since the 1980s there has been an increase in interest of specialists in various fields of medicine in immunology as a science and clinical discipline. Neuroimmuneendocrine regulation of the processes of life support of the body is fundamental and recognized in the world. Education in immunology for students in our country began in 1971 under the guidance of Academician of RAS R.V. Petrov on the course of non-infectious immunology with the basics of immunogenetics. The first Immunology Chair of the II Moscow Medical Institute named after N.I. Pirogov (II MOLGMI) under the leadership of R.V. Petrov was founded in 1974. In 1982, the first textbook of immunology was published. New, modern textbooks on immunology and allergology were created under the guidance of Academician of RAS R.M. Khaitov, including his textbook «Immunology», which passed 4 editions. The logical continuation of the development of education in the field of immunology and allergology was the formation of a system of postgraduate education for medical professionals. One of the first chairs of clinical immunology and allergology for the training of physicians was established by R.M. Khaitov in 1990 at the Institute of Advanced Education of the FMBA of Russia. He headed this chair until 2017. From 2021 to the present, the corresponding member of RAS M.R. Khaitov is the head of the chair. Currently, the chair is a structural part of the Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Specialized Medical Activities and Medical Technologies of the FMBA of Russia and is based in the «NRC Institute of Immunology» of the FMBA of Russia. Since the establishment of the chair of clinical immunology and allergology by R.M. Khaitov in 1990, a long way has been passed. Programs of training of specialists in residency, programs of professional retraining, advanced training in the specialty «Allergology and Immunology» have been improved, programs of primary and periodic accreditation have been developed.

Keywords:immunology; allergology; higher education; postgraduate education; continuity of immunological education; professional training of physicians in immunology and allergology

For citation: Khaitov M.R., Markova T.P. Academician R.M. Khaitov and development of postdiplomal education in immunology and allergology. Immunologiya. 2023; 44 (1): 7–15. DOI: (in Russian)

Funding. The study had no sponsor support.

Conflict of interests. Authors declare no conflict of interests.

Authors’ contribution. Authors made equal contribution to the writing the article.


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