Peer Reviewed Journal
Established at 1980
The journal is included in the List of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals recommended by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Russian Federation for publishing the results of dissertations for the degree of Candidate and Doctor of Sciences
Indexed in: Scopus, Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory, International Nuclear Information System (INIS Atomindex), Excerpta Medica, Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), elibrary.
Journal founders:
- Russian Academy of Sciences
- National Research Center – Institute of Immunology, Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia (NRC Institute of Immunology, FMBA of Russia)
The journal covers the main theoretical and practical issues of general and applied immunology and allergology, functional foundations of immunity, immunogenetics, molecular and cellular immunology, clinical immunology and immunopathology, experimental and clinical allergology, immuno- and allergodiagnostics, modern research methods. The journal publishes original articles, reviews, short messages, reviews of new books, information about scientific congresses and conferences, about the most important anniversaries and memorable dates.
Main headings
- Humoral immunity
- Cellular immunology
- Innate immunity
- Immunogenetics
- Molecular Immunology
- Cytokines
- Vaccines and vaccination
- Mechanisms of allergic reactions
- Oncoimmunology
- Clinical immunology
- Immunology of HIV infection/AIDS
- Immunology of reproduction
- Methods
- Reviews
- Chronicle
The journal is intended for allergists, immunologists, and allied health professionals working in the fields of biochemistry, pathophysiology, genetics, hematology, cytology, etc., who may be interested in using immunological methods in clinical practice.
Mass media registration certificate
PI № FS 77-83504 from 13.07.2022
ISSN: 0206-4952 (Print);
2412-1312 (Online)
DOI: 10.18821/0206-4952
Frequency: 6 issues per year