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4. Preparation of articles

The following parts must be included in loaded article:

In Russian
  1. Family names, Initials of authors (mark authors’ institutions with number indexes)
  2. Title
  3. Institution full official title with mandatory indication of the form of ownership, the name of the institution and ministry (agency, etc.) affiliation
  4. Structured abstract
  5. Key words
  6. For correspondence (Name, Intermediate initial, Family name, scientific degree, scientific title, position, unit, short official institution title with mandatory indication of the form of ownership, the name of the institution and ministry (agency, etc.) affiliation, city, country, E-mail, ORCID),
  7. For citation (pages and DOI – conditionally)
  8. Funding (if there was no support funding, please point «The study had no sponsor support»)
  9. Conflict of interests (if no, please point «Authors declare no conflict of interests»)
  10. Authors’ contribution.
Then the same block (ii. 1-10) in English:
  1. Family names, Initials of authors (mark authors’ institutions with number indexes)
  2. Title
  3. Institution full official title with mandatory indication of the form of ownership, the name of the institution and ministry (agency, etc.) affiliation
  4. Structured abstract
  5. Key words
  6. For correspondence (Name, Intermediate initial, Family name, scientific degree, scientific title, position, unit, short official institution title with mandatory indication of the form of ownership, the name of the institution and ministry (agency, etc.) affiliation, city, country,e-mail, ORCID)
  7. For citation (pages and DOI – conditionally)
  8. Funding (if there was no support funding, please point «The study had no sponsor support»)
  9. Conflict of interests (if no, please point «Authors declare no conflict of interests»)
  10. Authors contribution.

Then – article text parts (for original articles – «Intriduction», «Material and methods», «Results» containing pictures and tables, «Discussion», «Conclusion»)

Then – References (see examples below)

Then – Authors’ information ((Name, Intermediate initial, Family name, scientific degree, scientific title, position, unit, short official institution title, city, country, E-mail, ORCID) in Russian and in English

Examples of different parts of the article see below.

4.1. General rules. The article should be printed in Times New Roman or Arial font, font size 12, line spacing – 1.5. The page format is A4, the left field is 3 cm, and the other fields are 2 cm. All pages must be numbered. Do not use the automatic hyphening. The spelling and punctuation of the article should be carefully checked. The entire text of the article (title page, abstract, keywords, text of the article, tables, list of cited literature, information about the authors) should be written in a single MS Word file. The file with the text of the article should be named after the first author of the article (e.g.: Ivanov. Text).
The volume of original articles should not exceed 18 pages (including illustrations, tables, abstracts and references), the volume of reviews – no more than 20 pages, critiques and informational messages – no more than 3 pages.

If the article is written in Russian, the obligatory translation of metadata into English (the names of authors, the official names of institutions where the authors work, addresses, article title, article abstract, key words, information to contact with the corresponding author).

4.2. Title page. The title page must include the following information:
  1. family names and initials of the authors;
  2. the title of the article (to increase citation, it is recommended not to give the geographical indications in the title);
  3. the full title of the institution where each author works, in the nominative case, with mandatory indication of the form of ownership, the name of the institution and ministry (agency, etc.) affiliation, postal code of the institution, city, country;
  4. Abstract;
  5. Key words;
  6. information about the author for correspondence: full name, academic degree, academic title, position, institution short title with mandatory indication of the form of ownership, the name of the institution and ministry (agency, etc.) affiliation, E-mail, ORCID.

If there are several authors, each name and the corresponding institution must have a numeric index. If all the authors of the article work in the same institution just specify the institution once. If the author has several institutions of work, each one is indicated by a separate numeric index.

Example of the title page

Guryanova S.V.1, Borisova O.Yu.2, 3, Kolesnikova N.V.4, Lezhava N.L.1,

Kozlov I.G.5, Gudima G.O.6

The effect of muramyl peptide on the microbial landscape of the oral cavity

1 Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Medical Institute, Ministry of Science and High Education of the Russian Federation, 117198, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 G.N. Gabrichevsky Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor), 125212, Moscow, Russian Federation
3 N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 117997, Moscow, Russian Federation
4 Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 350063, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
5 Dmitry Rogachev National Medical Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 117198, Moscow, Russian Federation

6 National Research Center – Institute of immunology of Federal Medico-Biological Agency, 115522, Moscow, Russian Federation

  • Introduction….
  • Aim…
  • Material and methods….
  • Results…
  • Conclusion….

Key words:…..

For correspondence
Svetlana V. Guryanova – PhD, Associate Professor of Department of Biology and General Genetics, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Medical Institute, MSHE of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation

For citation: Guryanova S.V., Borisova O.Yu., Kolesnikova N.V., Lezhava N.L.,

Kozlov I.G., Gudima G.O. The effect of muramyl peptide on the microbial landscape of the oral cavity. Immunologiya. 2019, 40 (6): 34–40. doi: 10.24411/ 0206-4952-2019-16005 (in Russian)

Funding. The study has not sponsor support.

Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interests

4.3. Authorship. The authors of the article may be persons who have made a significant contribution to the work, its revision or correction, final approval for publication, as well as those responsible for the integrity of all parts of the manuscript. Persons who have performed other roles in the preparation of the article (statisticians, language specialists, technical staff, etc.) can be indicated in the «Acknowledgements» section of the article in Russian, English, or both languages.
Number of authors: in original articles – without restrictions, in reviews – 3-4 authors, in descriptions of individual clinical cases – 2-3 authors. Authors must provide links to their profile on (the profile must be fully completed in English, including links to publications).
  • It is necessary to specify the authors‚ contribution (section «Authors‚ contribution») in writing the article: in which stages of creation of the article took part each of the authors: concept and design of study, data collection and processing, statistical data processing, writing, editing, approval of the final version of the article, responsibility for the integrity of all parts of the article.
Example of “Authors‚ contribution” part:

Authors‚ contribution. Concept and design of the research – Ivanov A. A., Sidorov V. V.; collection and processing of material – Petrov B. B.; statistical processing – Petrov B. B.; writing – Sidorov V. V.; editing – Ivanov A.A.

Funding. If the study and/or preparation of the article had financial support, the source of funding should be indicated. If there was no financial support, its absence also should be indicated (The study had no sponsor support). This information should be provided in the section “Funding”.

Conflict of interests. Authors are required to report any existing or potential conflicts of interests. A conflict of interest can be considered any situation that can affect the author of the manuscript and lead to concealment, distortion of data or change their interpretation. The presence of a conflict of interests in one or more authors is not a reason for refusing to publish an article. The concealment of potential and obvious conflicts of interests on the part of the authors revealed by the editorial board may lead to refusal to review and publish the article.

The form for identifying of potential conflicts of interest is contained in the «Article Submission Form». Information about conflicts of interests or their absence should be provided in the article in the section «Conflict of interests» in Russian and English. If there is no conflict of interests, it is necessary to specify: «Authors declare no conflict of interests».

Acknowledgments. Persons who participated in the preparation of the article but are not the authors (statisticians, language specialists, technical staff, etc.) can be indicated in the separate section «Acknowledgments»

4.4. Abstract. The abstract of the article is the main source of information in domestic and foreign information systems and databases that index the journal. The abstract should state only the essential facts of the work, avoiding lengthy arguments. In original articles, the abstract should be structured – repeat the structure of the article, including the introduction, aim of the study, material and methods, results, conclusion.

The abstract should be accompanied by several keywords that reflect the main topic of the article and facilitate the classification of work in computer search engines. Keywords are separated by semicolons. The abstract and keywords must be submitted in both Russian and English.

4.5. Plan of the original articles. The structure of original articles must correspond to the IMRAD format (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion). The plan of the original articles should be as follows: abstract and keywords in Russian, abstract and keywords in English; introduction; material and methods; results; discussion; general conclusion or conclusions in points (at the choice of the authors).
The “Introduction” gives a brief overview of relevant data, justification of the novelty and significance of the study identifies the outstanding issues and put clear goals and objectives, explaining further study. It is recommended to avoid long analyses and long historical excursions.
The section ”Material and methods” should contain information about where and when the study was performed; criteria for including and excluding of patients, experimental animals; a description of the research method (cohort, prospective, randomized drug trial, retrospective, series of observations); a detailed description of the new drug, method, modification, experiment, a brief description of the protocol (Standard Operating Protocol – SOP). Modern methods of statistical data processing should be used.
The results of the study and discussion should be described in different sections. The “Results” should be clear and concise. Data should be presented in absolute numbers and percentages, with a 95% confidence interval (95% CI) and a p value specified. The “Discussion” section provides a convincing explanation of the results and shows their significance.

The section "Conclusion" summarizes the article.

4.6. Medical products should be listed only in the form of international non-patented names that are used first, then, if necessary, the trade names of drugs registered in Russia (in accordance with the State register of medicinal products, It is preferable that the names of enzymes correspond to the Enzyme Nomenclature standard ( It is preferable that inherited or family diseases correspond to the international classification of inherited conditions in humans («Mendelian Inheritance in Man», The names of microorganisms should be verified in accordance with an international database that contains updated up-to-date information (

4.7. Abbreviations. The manuscript may be accompanied by a dictionary of terms (unclear, which may cause the difficulties when reading). In addition to common abbreviations of units of measurement, physical, chemical and mathematical quantities and terms (for example, DNA), abbreviations of phrases that are often repeated in the text are allowed. All letter marks and abbreviations entered by the author must be deciphered in the text when they are first mentioned. Abbreviations of simple words are not allowed, even if they are often repeated. Doses of medicines and units of measurement of physical quantities must be specified in the SI system.

4.8. Requirements for illustrations. Each figure is submitted as a separate file, which must be signed for convenience (Ivanov. Figure 1). The figures and its captions should be also inserted in the text of article. It is necessary to use a uniform system of letter symbols and image scaling; images must be sequentially numbered in the text. Illustration file formats: eps, tiff; resolution – at least 300 dpi. For graphs and diagrams built in Word, PowerPoint and Excel programs, you need to attach editable originals created in these programs. Graphs and diagrams created in special programs must be saved in vector format.

4.9. Tables. It must be indicated the table number (if there are more than one table) and give it a title. Abbreviations in tables are given with decoding. All numbers in the tables must match the numbers in the text.

4.10. Mathematical formulas. Mathematical equations should be represented as editable text, not as images. Variables should be indicated in italics. Equations should be numbered in order.

4.11. Bibliographic lists. In the «Immunologiya» journal the Vancouver style of citation is used (references in the list are numbered not alphabetically, but as they are mentioned in the text, regardless of the language in which the work is given). In original articles, it is preferably to cite no more than 40 sources, in reviews – no more than 60, in lectures and other materials – no more than 15. The bibliography should contain, in addition to the main works, publications over the past 5 years, primarily articles from journals, links to highly cited sources, including Scopus and Web of Science. It is necessary to include any other additional information, if known, such as DOI, PMID, and so on.
Bibliographic references in the text of the article are indicated by [numbers] in square brackets. Make sure that all references given in the text are present in the list of references (and vice versa).
Abbreviations of journal titles should be given in accordance with the List of Title Word Abbreviations (list of abbreviations). Links to Internet sources must be reliable and long-lasting. At least the full URL and the date when the link became available should be given.
All authors are mentioned in the references; if the editors are mentioned, after the Full Name «eds.» is placed.

The authors are responsible for the correctness of the bibliographic data.

Examples of «References» list:

  • Global Atlas of Asthma. Akdis C., Agache I., eds. European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI). 2014.196 p.
  • Silber B.M. Pharmacogenomics, biomarkers, and the promise of personalized medicine. In: Pharmacogenomics. Kalow W., Meyer U., Tyndale R.F., eds. NY: Marcel Dekker, 2001:
  • Tan H.T.T., Hagner S., Ruchti F., Radzikowska U. et al. Tight junction, mucin, and infl ammasome-related molecules are differentially expressed in eosinophilic, mixed, and neutrophilic experimental asthma in mice. Allergy Eur J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2019; 74 (2): 294–307. DOI: 10.1111/all.13619.
  • Kofiadi I., Manto I., Latysheva E., Latysheva T., Nikiforova A., Gudima G., Khaitov M. The NGS approach in evaluation of known and novel mutations associated with X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA). 5th European Congress of Immunology (Amsterdam, September 2–5, 2018). Abstract Book: 207.
  • APA Style (2011). Available at: (accessed 5 February 2011).

4.12.Authors’ information must include information about each author: full name, academic degree, academic title, position, institution short title with mandatory indication of the form of ownership, the name of the institution and ministry (agency, etc.) affiliation, E-mail, ORCID.

Ivan I. Ivanov - MD, Prof., Head of the Pathogenesis and Treatment Methods of Infectious Diseases Lab. of MDRI, A.I. Evdokimov MSMSU of the MOH of Russia; Prof. of the Allergology and Immunology Chair of Medical Institute FCME, RUDN University of the MSHE of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation

5. Articles submission. It is possible to submit the article (and all materials to it) in electronic form via the journal's website using the «Submit article»service.

6. Author's copies of the journal are provided (please contact the editorial office).

7. Publication fee: not charged.